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張貼者:郎克瑤/材料科學與工程學系 陽明交通大學材料系於113.6.19(三)13:30~14:30於工程六館國際會議廳邀請國際知名學者Dr. Esther Levy座談,歡迎踴躍出席。
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演講課程 教職員生 2024/06/14 2024/06/19 工程六館國際會議廳

聯絡人:郎克瑤   聯絡電話:55302


Invited Lecture


講題: Meet the Editor: Introduction to Wiley Journals

講者: Dr. Esther Levy (Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Materials)

時間: 2024/06/19 (Wed), 13:30~14:30

地點: 國立陽明交通大學材料系工程六館優貝克廳

主持人: 韋光華 教授 (材料系終身講座教授)



About the Speaker

Dr. Esther Levy is an esteemed figure in the field of materials science publishing, serving as the Joint Editor-in-Chief for Advanced Materials and Consulting Editor for Wiley’s flagship nanoscience journal Small. With over 25 years of experience in academic publishing, she has significantly contributed to the dissemination of scientific knowledge through her editorial roles across several interdisciplinary and open-access journals including Advanced Science, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Advanced Sensor Research, and Advanced Materials Technologies. Dr. Levy's academic background in supramolecular chemistry, combined with her extensive publishing experience, positions her as a leading authority in scientific communications and materials science research.