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張貼者:蘇淑芬/台灣聯合大學系統文化研究國際中心 徵稿:文化研究國際中心工作論文Call for Papers: ICCS Working Paper Series
活 動 類 別 活 動 對 象 起 始 時 間 結 束 時 間 地           點
藝文 教職員生 2021/09/29 2021/10/29 無標示地點

聯絡人:蘇淑芬   聯絡電話:31658

 Call for Papers: ICCS Working Paper Series


The International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS) Working Paper Series (ISSN 2707-2193) provides scholars with opportunities to widely and swiftly circulate their works in progress and receive constructive feedback, and to encourage fruitful discussion. The series welcome papers related to the broad theme of Cultural Studies / Inter-Asia Cultural Studies / Cultural Studies in Asia. We especially welcome those in dialogue with ICCS’ main theme, Conflict, Justice, and Decolonization: Critical Studies in Inter-Asian Societies. We welcome both original research papers and position papers (Refer to Submission Guidelines for further details). We invite scholars in different stages of the career (including Master’s and PhD students), independent researchers, activists and creative artists to submit their papers to the ICCS Working Paper Series.

List of recent publications: 

Submission and Enquiry: 


International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS)Working Paper Series Submission Guidelines
Aims and Scope
ICCS Working Paper Series provides scholars with opportunities to widely and swiftly circulate their works in progress and receive constructive feedback, and to encourage fruitful discussion. We invite submission of original research papers and position papers related to the broad theme of Cultural Studies / Inter-Asia Cultural Studies / Cultural Studies in Asia. We especially welcome those in dialogue with ICCS’ main theme, Conflict, Justice, and Decolonization: Critical Studies in Inter-Asian Societies, which is to investigate urgent questions related to different forms of conflict, injustice and the possibilities of knowledge decolonization mutually affecting Asian societies. We are particular interested in, but not limited to, the following sub-themes:
(1) The Politics of Memory and the Art of Governance: Inter-Asian Studies on State, Society, Ethnicity, and History
(2) Inter-Asian Decolonization of Knowledge under the Shadow of Post/Cold War Culture
(3) The Emerging Political Economy of the 21st Century: The New Rise of China, Neoliberalism, and Neocolonialism
(4) Aging Modernity, Reconfiguration of Urban Space, Migration and Subalternity
(5) Toward a Society of Equality and Coexistence in the Inter-Asian Context: Civic Participation, Legal Reform, Social and Artistic Intervention, Trans-local Free Association 

Peer Review
All the submitted papers will be assessed for suitability and reviewed by the editorial team. When deemed appropriate, original research papers will then be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous referees. The editors will commit to expediting the review process for online dissemination.

Types of Papers
We accept the following two types of papers:
(A) Original Research Paper: An original research paper is an academic paper, or that in progress, with original research findings or original academic contributions to the field. The editorial team will review and assess the suitability of the submitted original research papers. When deemed appropriate, the submitted papers will undergo a double blind review process to provide useful feedback for the author.
(B) Position Paper: A position paper is a paper or a review responding to emerging thoughts and topics, or specific cultural issues and phenomenon, which is not in the format of an original research paper. We also welcome the submission of several position papers as a forum. Suitability of position papers will be reviewed by the editorial team. 

Preparing Your Paper
(A) Original Research Paper: 
a. Structure
A typical paper is compiled in the following order: title page; an unstructured abstract ; 4 – 6 keywords; main text; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) and figures with caption(s) (as appropriate). Authors may decide to use alternative structure when necessary.
b. Word limits
There are no specific word limits for original research paper. As a reference, a typical paper should be around 6000 – 8000 words in English, or around 10000 – 15000 words in Chinese, inclusive of abstract and footnotes. 
c. Reference guide and citation
We do not require submission to follow any particular style of referencing or citation. You may use any major citation styles, such as Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and APA, as long as they are complete, consistent, and are in line with the general standard of academic publication. However, as an Asia-based working paper series, the working paper series will reference in Asian languages. For papers in English, references in all Asian languages should begin with the Romanization of the author’s name and then its original form, and then the titles should be provided in original Asian language first, followed by ENGLISH TRANSLATION (not Romanization) in square brackets (as information provided by the author). 
(B) Position Paper 
a. Structure
A typical paper is compiled in the following order: title page, author details, abstract (as appropriate), main text; references (as appropriate); appendices (as appropriate). Authors may decide to use alternative structure when necessary.
b. Word limits
There are no specific word limits for position papers. As a reference, we recommend that a position paper will be around 1500 – 5000 words in English, or 2500 – 10000 words in Chinese. 
c. Reference guide and citation
We do not require submission to follow any particular style of referencing or citation. You may use any major citation styles, such as Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and APA, as long as they are complete, consistent, and are in line with the general standard of academic publication. However, as an Asia-based working paper series, the working paper series will reference in Asian languages. For papers in English, references in all Asian languages should begin with the Romanization of the author’s name and then its original form, and then the titles should be provided in original Asian language first, followed by ENGLISH TRANSLATION (not Romanization) in square brackets (as information provided by the author). 

Submitting Your Paper
We are looking for papers in good order. Please spell-check, proofread, and ensure consistency before you submit the paper. The paper must not include submissions published, or being considered for publication, elsewhere. Please send one copy of your paper with author’s details (name, affiliation, contact methods) in Word formats. All papers should be sent to Please indicate whether you are submitting an original research paper or a position paper. 



文化研究國際中心工作論文系列( ISSN 2707-2193 )旨在為研究者提供發表平台,盡快分享進行中研究的階段成果,並廣泛流通以獲得更多具建設性意見,以促進討論。工作論文系列誠邀符合廣義的文化研究/亞際文化研究/文化研究在亞洲的文章之投稿,我們尤其歡迎符合文化研究國際中心主題「衝突、正義、解殖:亞際社會批判研究」的相關文章。工作論文系列同時徵求學術性的原創研究論文( original research paper )及評論與回應性質的立場文件( position paper )(詳情請見投稿須知)。我們也鼓勵不同階段的學術人員(包括碩博士生)、獨立研究者、社運人士或藝術工作者等,將研究和意見文章投稿到工作論文系列。





文化研究國際中心工作論文系列 (International Center for Cultural Studies Working Paper Series) 旨在為研究者提供發表平台,盡快分享進行中研究的階段成果,並廣泛流通以獲得更多具建設性意見,以促進討論。工作論文系列誠邀符合廣義的文化研究/亞際文化研究/文化研究在亞洲的原創研究論文 (original research paper) 和立場文件 (position paper) 之投稿。我們尤其歡迎符合文化研究國際中心主題「衝突、正義、解殖:亞際社會批判研究」的相關文章,探討亞洲社會所面對的刻不容緩問題,如不同形態的衝突、不公義、知識解殖等,我們對下列子題尤感興趣:

(1) 記憶政治與治理技藝:國家、社會、族群與歷史的亞際研究

(2) 後/冷戰文化影子下之亞際知識解殖

(3) 21世紀的未來政治經濟:中國崛起、新自由主義與新殖民主義

(4) 老化的現代性、都市空間重構、遷移與底層形構

(5) 朝向亞際平等共生社會:公民參與、法律商榷、社會藝術介入、跨地連結






(A) 原創研究論文 (Original Research Paper): 原創研究論文係指學術文章或進行中的學術文章,而且具原創研究成果,或對該領域有原創學術貢獻。編輯團隊將審查並評估投稿之原創論文是否合適;若情況合宜,原創研究論文將進行雙向匿名審查,提供有用意見予作者。

(B) ?場文件 (Position Paper): 立場文件係回應當代思想或議題,或特定文化事件與現象的文章或評論,而且該文章不以原創研究論文呈現。我們同時歡迎以數篇意見文章合組論壇的投稿。意見文章是否合適,將由編輯團隊審查。



(A) 原創研究論文:

a. 稿件順序

一般而言,來稿乃根據以下順序:標題頁; 摘要;4 6個關鍵詞;正文;參考書目;附錄(如適用);表格、插圖及其說明(如適用)。如有需要,作者可自行選擇使用另外的稿件順序。

b. 字數限制


c. 參考書目撰寫與徵引格式

我們不限制稿件所採用的引用參考書目與徵引格式,你可以選擇任一主要格式,如 Chicago HarvardMLAAPA,唯必須是完整、一致,並符合學術出版的一般標準。

(B) 立場文件

a. 稿件順序


b. 字數限制


c. 參考書目撰寫與徵引格式

我們不限制稿件所採用的引用參考書目與徵引格式,你可以選擇任一主要格式,如 Chicago HarvardMLAAPA,唯必須是完整、一致,並符合學術出版的一般標準。

