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張貼者:邱郁芬/電子研究所 國立陽明交通大學電子研究所誠聘專任教師
活 動 類 別 活 動 對 象 起 始 時 間 結 束 時 間 地           點
徵才 教職員生 2024/04/25 2024/12/31 工程四館107室

聯絡人:邱郁芬   聯絡電話:03-5712121#54102

1.     誠徵具下列專長及跨領域之專任教授、副教授、助理教授數名。
(一) 新穎電子材料元件與技術:寬能隙半導體元件、Atom世代半導體元件、量子計算、積體光學與類神經網路技術。
(二) 積體電路設計:生醫感測電路、新型態高速運算電路、量子計算機、類比/數位/射頻積體電路。
(三) 系統設計整合:人工智慧運算與應用、多媒體系統設計與應用、6G無線通訊系統與積體電路設計。
(四) 其他與電子/半導體相關之新興領域。
2.     意者請檢附以下資料郵寄紙本或電子檔至陳柏宏所長:新竹市大學路1001號陽明交通大學電子所;
l   履歷表(含個人學經歷、著作目錄、FWCIH-index)
l   代表性著作(五年內取得博士學位者請附博士論文)
l   研究計畫
l   教學計劃
l   推薦函(至少三封)
l   畢業證書影本
3.     各職級教師薪資包含教育部部定薪資之外,另有彈性薪資方案、教育部玉山(青年)學者計畫及科技部年輕學者專案計畫例如愛因斯坦培植計畫、哥倫布計畫、傑出人才基金會相關補助、陽明交通大學產學合作計畫主持人費等。


Faculty Positions in NYCU Institute of Electronics
The Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), invites applications for multiple faculty positions from assistant professor to full professor in the field of new materials and devices, mixed-signal integrated circuits and system design/integration. We especially invite people who would like to conduct cross-disciplinary research and in collaboration with domestic and international research teams. Indeed, all candidates with a passion for research and teaching and an ambition to change the world for the better are encouraged to apply.
NYCU is top-3 leading research universities in Taiwan. The Institute of Electronics is well-known for its graduate program with corresponding top rankings in the major subfields of new materials and devices, artificial intelligence, IC designs and systems, and green energy electronics.
All applicants should send the following documents to the Director by post or via email:
(Prof. Po-Hung Chen, Director:, Institute of Electronics , National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, No.1001, University Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
l Curriculum vitae (including education, relevant experience, publications, FWCI and H-index)
l Reprints or copies of selected publications (including PhD thesis if graduated within five years)
l Research statement
l Teaching statement
l 3 recommendation letters
l Copy of PhD certificate
Except for the regular salary from the government, we also have outstanding performance fellowship for young and talented scholars from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, and NYCU Excellency Professorship. Welcome to join us!