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張貼者:賴嘉萍/軍訓室 112學年度第二學期光復校區災害防救掩護避難演練-地震
活 動 類 別 活 動 對 象 起 始 時 間 結 束 時 間 地           點
行政公告 教職員生 2024/04/19 2024/04/23 如海報附件

聯絡人:賴嘉萍   聯絡電話:50708







Notification of Earthquake Disaster Protection and Evacuation Exercise at Gwangju Campus

1.Drill Time: April 23rd, 9:40-10:10pm

2.Drill area: Engineering Bldg. 3, Engineering Bldg. 4, Science Bldg. 1, Science Bldg. 3, Tin Ka-Ping Photonic Bldg, CPT Bldg, Science Bldg. 2, Institute of Environmental Engineering Bldg , Gymnasium, Composite Sports Bldg, Swimming Plaza, Graduate Student Dormitory 1, and Dinning Hall 2.

3.Please ask the staff and students in the area to take protective actions such as getting down, covering, stabilizing, etc., and to cooperate with the evacuation and disaster avoidance drills.

School Safety Center


