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張貼者:陽明公佈欄/生命科學院微生物及免疫學研究所 BD公司新機器及新技術分享: Improving resolution and unveiling biology with imaging and spectral flow cytometry (An advanced look at the BD FACSDiscover A8 and S8 Platforms)
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演講課程 教職員生 2025/01/06 2025/01/20 生物醫學大樓401室

聯絡人:范馨方 行政專員   聯絡電話:65242

講題:Improving resolution and unveiling biology with imaging and
spectral flow cytometry
(An advanced look at the BD FACSDiscover A8 and S8 Platforms)

講者: Bob Balderas
VP Biological Sciences
BD Distinguished Fellow

