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張貼者:陳秋雲/電子研究所 陳坤志老師邀請規劃—【敬邀參加】International Workshop on HPC for AI 菁英論壇~~歡迎有興趣者報名與會參加!
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演講課程 教職員生 2024/04/19 2024/04/25 工程四館一樓108室知新廳

聯絡人:陳秋雲   聯絡電話:03-5712121#54107

 陳坤志老師邀請規劃—智慧終端裝置晶片系統與應用聯盟舉辦 International Workshop on HPC for AI 菁英論壇。此次論壇特別邀請到 Prof. Zhonghai Lu, KTH Royal Institute of Technology、Prof. Md Farhadur Reza, Eastern Illinois University、Prof. Jonathan Balkind, University of California, Santa Barbara 三位大師級講師。

■ 時間:2024年4月25日 (四) 14:00~17:00
■ 地點:國立陽明交通大學光復校區工程四館一樓108室知新廳
■ 報名時間:即日起至113年4月19日止 (額滿為止,報名成功將會於4/23前mail通知)
■ 菁英講師簡介
• Professor Dr. Zhonghai Lu
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Dr. Zhonghai Lu's research spans from Network-on-Chip (NoC) / System-on-Chip (SoC), Embedded System, and recently to Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) of Power Electronics. His group is working on in-network processing and embedded intelligence. He has published over 200 scientific papers, and his research papers were nominated as the Best Paper Candidate at HPCA'2018, and NOCS'2013. He also received the Best Paper Award at NOCS'2-15 and EU HiPEAC Paper Awards.
• Assistant Professor Dr. Jonathan Balkind
Eastern Illinois University
Dr. Jonathan Balkind's research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Architecture, Programming Languages, and Operating Systems. He is the Lead Architect of OpenPiton and its heterogeneous-ISA descendant, BYOC, which are productive, open-source hardware research platforms with thousands of downloads from over 70 countries worldwide. Jonathan was an Open Hardware Trailblazer Fellow and recipient of the NSF CAREER Award. Since 2021, he has served as a Director of the FOSSi Foundation.
• Assistant Professor Dr. Md Farhadur Reza
University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Md Farhadur Reza's research interests include resource management, networks-on-chip, multi-core architectures, and machine learning/artificial intelligence. His current research projects focus on machine learning and approximate communication methods for energy-efficient and high-performance NoCs, and NoC architectures for neural networks. He was awarded the title of A. Richard Newton Young Fellow from the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) in 2014.
