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張貼者:陳秋雲/電子研究所 【EDA講座】Efficient physical design techniques in advanced technology nodes---You are welcome to join!
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演講課程 教職員生 2024/04/23 2024/04/25 工程四館一樓117室

聯絡人:陳秋雲   聯絡電話:03-5712121#54107

 You are all welcome to join!

Time : Apr 25, 2024(THU)15:30-17:30 
Venue : R117, Engineering Building 4, NYCU

*Speaker : Prof. Takashima Yasuhiro
                     (University of Kitakyushu)
     Title: Efficient ILP-based routing method framework

*Speaker : Prof. Masato Inagi
                     (Hiroshima City University)
     Title: Feature vectors for machine learning-based
              lithography hotspot detection

*Speaker : Prof. Nishizawa Shinichi 
                      (Waseda University)
     Title: Standard Cell Structure and Transistor Reordering for
              Mitigating Area Penalty in Dual Diffusion Break FinFET