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Music in Motion – NYCU Institute of Music 25th Anniversary Concert
ºt¥X®É¶¡¡G2024/10/18 (¤­) 19:30 ¡]19:00 ¾É²â¡G§õ©^®Ñ¡^
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Music in Motion –
NYCU Institute of Music 25th Anniversary Concert
Time: 2024/10/18 (Fri.) 19:00
Location: NYCU Performance Hall (Yangming Campus), 1st Floor, Student Activity Center
Time: 2024/10/26 (Sat.) 19:00
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (Guangfu Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: Free admission 
“Music in Motion” marks the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Music at National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University. Originally established by the Institute of Applied Arts in 1992, it evolved into an independent institute of music in 2000. Today, it comprises three major groups: musicology, composition and technology, and performance. Over the past quarter-century, the Institute has nurtured talents in musical composition, research, and performance, while embracing technology and interdisciplinary arts to present music in contemporary ways.
The upcoming anniversary concert will present the institute’s achievements, featuring classic chamber music performances, the newest music technology experiences, and multimedia audio-visual works. As we navigate the evolving world, we look forward to the next 25 years with unwavering artistic vision and courage.
Yu-Chung Tseng: Sound Activation – Electronic Music and Visual Elements (Yangming Campus) 
Yu-Chung Tseng: Fantasy Journey of Time – For Flute and 4-channel Live Electronic Music (Chiaotung Campus) 
A. Dvorak: Piano Trio no. 4 in E Minor, op. 90
Fang-Wei Luo: Blooming Lilies on a Summer Evening for String Quartet
Yi-Xuan Chen: Altered states of..(2023) 
E. Chausson: Piano Trio in G Minor, op. 3 
Chia-Ying Hsu: Siren Surge for String Quartet and Video  
M. Duruflé: Prelude, Recitatif et Variations, op. 3
Chao-Mig Tung: Stone and Bamboo’s Karma for Bamboo Tube, Live Electronics, and Live Video
J. Brahms: Piano Quartet no. 1 in G Minor, op. 25

